Thursday, July 31, 2008
Going on a little Vacation

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Shopping Score
They have Levi 525 Jeans on Sale for $17.04!!!
Retail value of the Jeans is $44.00!!
Major Shopping Score!!
What I am reading
Monday, July 28, 2008
Visions of Homesteading
Canning and Preserving Summer 2008
Strawberry Jam - 7 Jelly Jars
Grape Jelly - 7 Jelly Jars
Orange Juice Jelly - 7 Jelly Jars
Banana Jam - 7 Jelly Jars
Dill Pickles- 8 Quarts
Sauerkraut- 10 Quarts
Strawberries- 6 Quarts
Blueberries- 2 Pints
Dried- so far all of these were just experimental. No real amount worth reporting.
Green Onions
Make Your Own Cream of Something Soup
Make your own!!!
I got this recipe from Jenn
at http://frugalupstate.blogspot.com/
Cream of Anything Soup Mix
2 C Powdered Milk
3/4 C Corn Starch
1/4 C Chicken Bullion Granules
2 TBS Onion Flakes (dry)
1 tsp Basil
1 tsp Garlic Powder
1/2 tsp Pepper
2 TBS dry celery flakes (optional)
Mix everything together and store in a airtight, dry container.
To use: Shake mix well, then combine 1/3 cup mix with 1 1/4 C cool tap water.
Stir and bring to a boil over medium heat. Boil for 1 full minute.
Remove from heat and use in any recipe calling for 1 can "Cream Of" soup.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
It is a great site to find lots of good information.
They have a Writer's Compensation Program which I am participating in.
If you would like to see my work click on the link!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Zuchinni Chips ARE Yummy!!
I am dreaming up all kinds of different ways to use them. More than likely I will eat them straight out of the jar as a side dish with sandwiches! Or eat them alone for a quick healthy snack!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Another Score!!!
On a whim I decided to post that I wanted a Dehydrator. Surprise, Surprise.....someone replied and said they had one they wanted to get rid of. I jumped on it and picked it up at 5 pm tonight.
Major score!!! She said she bought it 2 years ago and never used it! So besides being a little dusty, It is brand new!!
I stopped on the way and picked up some zucchini to dry. I have heard that zucchini chips are yummy and wanted to give it a try. And you can toss the dried zucchini chips into soups and stews.
So that is my new score. I am thinking and planning on drying all kinds of stuff!!!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
How to Make Cabana Banana Jam
Here is her recipe:
Cabana Banana Jam
8-9 ripe, but still firm bananas
½ cup lemon juice
4 ½ cups sugar (I used raw turbinado sugar)
¼ c. Malibu rum (optional)
¼ cup water if necessary
Pour lemon juice into large pan. Slice bananas into pan, then mash up well with fork or pastry blender. Heat, adding 4 ½ cups sugar. If needed, add ¼ cup water to help liquefy. Cook over medium heat, bubbling until thick and gloppy, (you know, jam consistency), stirring occasionally as needed. (I should have timed this, but didn’t so my apologies. I’m thinking it cooked 40 - 60 minutes, possibly a bit longer)When thick enough to call jam, you can remove from heat and can or do as I did and add ¼ cup Malibu rum and cook down again to let the alcohol cook off. Then remove from heat and fill hot, sterile jars. Cap with hot lids and rings, wiping jar rims to ensure a seal. Process 15 minutes in hot water bath.
Put the lemon juice in a large pan
When the mixture is ready, fill Jars with Jam.
Remember, hot jars, hot lids, hot jam
*Note the Funnel. Another essential canning item
After 15 minutes remove filled jars from the Water Bath
As the jars cool they will make a ping sound. That means they are sealed.
I will have to say ........this stuff is YUMMY. I think it tastes like Banana Baby Food
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
What's for Dinner
It is an "Emergency" when you don't know what to make for Dinner. This recipe is perfect for a hectic day (or can even be made ahead of time).
1 to 2 cans of Chicken Breast (or you can use a Rotisserie Cooked Chicken pulled off the bone from the Market)
1/2 cup of cubed Carrots
1 Cup of half inch Potato cubes
4 cups water or broth ( I used 3 cans broth and 1 can of water)
1/2 cup Celery Slices
1 Onion cut in shreds
1/4 cup Butter
Salt and Pepper to taste
Herbs and Spices
Cook Carrot, Celery and onion in the melted butter for 10 minutes
Cook Potatoes in boiling water for 5 minutes. Drain and Rinse in cold water.
Add Potatoes to the other vegetables.
Add the Broth or Water
Add Chicken
Add your favorite herbs or spices
Cook for 1 Hour on medium low heat.
Home Remedies
I use Aloe Vera Gel as a facial moisturizer. (If you get the Aloe Vera Gel in the store make sure it does not have lidocaine in it.)
I whiten my teeth my swishing some Hydrogen Peroxide around my mouth then spit it out. The Peroxide bubbles away and whitens your teeth. (Make sure to wash and wipe your lips after use. The Peroxide can irritate your lips if you don't)
I use Witch Hazel Liquid as a facial cleaner, toner and astringent.
I also use Clear Nail Polish to relieve the pain and itching of a bug bite. It takes the sting out and seals the wound so it does not itch.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
What I am Reading
Monday, July 21, 2008
Canning So Far
Strawberry Jam - 7 Jelly Jars
Grape Jelly - 7 Jelly Jars
Orange Juice Jelly - 7 Jelly Jars
Banana Jam - 7 Jelly Jars
Dill Pickles- 8 Quarts
Sauerkraut- 10 Quarts
Strawberries- 6 Quarts
The Foxfire Book
The big problem, of course, is that since these grandparents were primarily an oral civilization, information being passed through the generations by word of mouth and demonstration, little of it is written down. When they are gone, the intricate tricks of self sufficiency acquired through years of trial and error, the eloquent and haunting stories of suffering; sharing; building; healing; planting; and harvesting; - all these will go with them.
They have something to tell us about self reliance, human interdependence and the human spirit that we would do well to listen to."
Excerpt from the The Foxfire Book
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Our Magazine

My Canning Jar Score!
The price was really good. Prices at other stores were anywhere from $9 to $12 for a case. I got the quart size for $7.00 a case and the pint and jelly jar sizes for $6.50. And the lids and screw tops are included!
The brand name is Golden Harvest. I found out thru a little online research that Golden Harvest is the budget brand of Ball Jars.
Even if I don't use all of them this year, it will be good to have some around.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Check me out.......again!
So go visit her blog and see what she is up to today. She is always making something wonderful. I got a recipe from her for Cabana Banana Jam. It is the most awesome Jam ever!! Watch for a post about that in the future.
Grandma's Recipes- Basic Salmon Dinner
Serves 4
Combine: 1 lb can of Demings' Salmon, 1 cup corn flakes, 2 eggs, 1 cup milk
1/4 tsp salt, Dash pepper. Mix Well.
Pour: Into buttered casserole dish.
Cover: With buttered corn flakes.
Bake: 30 minutes in moderate oven, 350 degrees.
Try these Four Tasy Variations!
1. 1 cup tomato juice instead of milk
2. 1 cup thinned tomato soup instead of milk
3. 1 cup thinned mushroom soup instead of milk
4. 1 cup cracker crumbs or bread crumbs instead of corn flakes
A Mystery
The thing is...... I didn't order the subscription. I asked my Mother in Law if she got it for me and she said no. I asked Matt if he got it for me and he said no. Who else would have ordered me a magazine subscription?!?!?!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Worm Update
Thursday, July 17, 2008
How To Make Muesli
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
What I am reading

Yes, this a children's book but I read some where that there are some great descriptions of how to do things the Pioneer way. I thought it would be a good choice for a light summer read. And educational too!
I am still reading the Foxfire Books too. There is so much information in these books...it's amazing!
If you are interested in this or any of the other books featured in the What I am reading posts, Please see the sidebar for my Amazon.com Favorites. You can purchase a copy of the book there!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Check me out......again!
If you want to check it out, visit http://www.cookingincastiron.com/index.html and scroll down to the Informational/How To Section. It is the 4th link.
2008 All Star Game
Bath Products You Can Make
Bath Products You Can Make
Soothing Bath Oils
Recipe #1
* 1 cup honey
* 2 cups milk
* 1 cup salt
* 1/4 cup baking soda
* 1/2 cup baby oil
* Fragrance oil of desired scent
Combine honey, milk, salt and baking soda in a bowl. Fill your tub and pour the mixture in. Add the baby oil and a few drops of the fragrance.
Recipe #2:
* 1 whole egg
* 2 tablespoons honey
* 1/2 cup baby or mineral oil
* 1/4 cup whole fresh milk
* 2 teaspoons liquid soap or dishwashing liquid
* 1/4 cup vodka
* Fragrant oil (optional)
Mix all ingredients in a blender for 30 seconds. Use only one or two tablespoons of this oil in a bathtub of water.
OR, try this...
Turkey-red oil (a derivative of castor oil) acts as an emulsifying agent for other oils so they won't coat your skin or the tub. Mix 3 parts turkey-red oil to 1 part fragrance oil. Add a few drops to your bath.
Instant Bath Salts
* 1 cup salt
* 1 cup Epsom salt
* 1 cup baking soda
Add a little of the mixture to your tub for a revitalizing bath.
For bubbles, just add 1 cup of shampoo. For a nice scent, add a few drops of fragrance oil.
Bubble Bath
* 2 cups soap flakes or grated soap
* 1 gallon water
* 1/4 - 1/2 cup glycerin
* 2 cups shampoo or liquid dishwashing detergent
* Scented oil of your choice
Mix the soap flakes, water and 2 tbs glycerin in a pot and set over low heat, stirring occasionally until the soap has dissolved. (This liquid soap can be stored in a covered container and used as an all-purpose soap or hand soap in the kitchen.) In a bowl, add 2 cups of this mixture to the rest of the glycerin, shampoo and add a few drops of your scented oil. Put into a quart container and store covered at room temperature. When you're ready to bathe, add about one cup to your tub as it's filling.
Herbal Bath
Add herbs to your tub by either making an infusion of them (see How to make and use herb preparations) and adding directly to the bath water, or putting the herbs into a muslin bag and tie it directly under the tap as the water is running. You can also add scented oil to the mixture if you want to.
Here are a few ideas for herbs to use:
* Chamomile - soothing and cleansing
* Comfrey - rejuvenating
* Lovage - deodorizing and cleansing
* Lady's mantle - soothes skin irritation
* Black tea - relieving sunburn pain
* Mint - soothing and relaxing
* Lavender - relaxing and aromatic
Easy Milk Bath
Just add 1/2 - 1 cup of dried milk to your bath water for a softening and soothing bath.
Milk Bath #2
* 2 cups dry milk powder
* 1 cup cornstarch
* 1/8 teaspoon fragrance oil of your choice
Blend all ingredients in blender. Add 1/2 cup of mixture to hot bath water.
Here is another tip I just found:
VINEGAR -is one of the most versatile ingredients known to man. It can be used to fight dandruff and dry scalp when mixed with equal parts warm water. A rinse of this with equal parts cold water will make your hair shine without expensive shine serums. A tablespoon in 8 ounces of water makes an excellent toner for your skin.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Make your own Drain Cleaner
½ cup baking soda
1 cup white vinegar
4 cups hot tap water
Pour baking soda into drain, add vinegar. Let sit 10 minutes.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Grandma's Recipes- Salmon Creole
Unusual! Takes just 10 minutes
Melt: 2 tablespoons of butter
Add: 2 tablespoons minced onion, 2tablespoons chopped pepper. Cook until brown.
Add: 1 can Demings Salmon (flaked), 1 can tomato soup or 1 cup of hot tomato sauce
Season: to taste
Simmer: 10 minutes
Serve: Over steamed rice or on toast
1001 Uses for Vinegar
Check it out. Some of them are very interesting!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
My Container Garden
*Notice the Mulch? It is grass clippings. I read in Mother Earth News that you could use fresh grass clippings as a natural mulch and fertilizer. The Peppers were looking a little weak so I decided to give it a try.
I can't wait till I can get enough Worm Poop to put it on the plants!
Seasoning Cast Iron
This is what I found:
Seasoning Cast Iron:
In the days before we had non-stick cookware, we had the next best thing - seasoned cast iron cookware. While non-stick cookware has certainly outdone cast iron cookware in the non-stick category, cast iron pots and pans are still favored by many chefs, including the professionals because of their durability and ability to retain flavor. But, if you're not lucky enough to have a hand-me-down from Grandma, you may find yourself confused about how to become a cast iron chef. Have no fear - you can learn to season cast iron cookware with the pros and keep them in great shape for years to come.
Seasoning New Cast Iron Cookware
The process is actually quite simple. When done correctly, your pans will last a long time and may even become your own hand-me -downs in the future.
1. Heat your oven to 300 degrees.
2. Coat the pan with lard or grease. (Be sure that you do not use vegetable oil or commercial cooking sprays. While they may seem easier, they will not only cause your cookware to be seasoned incorrectly, but they will also leave a sticky film on the outside of the cookware that is impossible to remove.)
3. Place the pan in the oven on the middle rack and allow it to bake for 15 minutes.
4. Remove the pan and pour out any excess grease or lard.
5. Put the pan back into the oven and bake for another two hours.
6. Repeat as needed
Many cast iron enthusiasts will swear upon repeating the seasoning process several times before ever using the cookware the first time. Each time you season the cookware, the seasoning bond becomes stronger. Many people will recommend that the first few times the cookware is used it should be used to cook greasy foods (bacon, fatty meats, etc.) to again strengthen the seasoning bond.
Re-seasoning Cookware
If you find that you seasoned the pan improperly the first time, or if food starts to stick to the pan after a period of time in use, you may want to re-season the cookware.
1. Wash the cookware thoroughly with a steel wool pad (doing this while the pan is warm and still safe to touch is best).
2. Make sure the pan is fully dry (use a towel if needed).
3. Follow the seasoning steps above to re-season the pan.
Cleaning Your Cast Iron Cookware
To make your cookware last the test of time, be sure to take proper care of it. Remember the creed of every enthusiast of cast iron - no soap and no steel wool. Soap and steel wool will cause a breakdown in the seasoning bond and should not be used to clean your cookware on a regular basis.
If you're baffled at this moment, have no fear. Cleaning cast iron cookware is a breeze.
1. You'll need to rinse your cookware while it is still hot. If food is stuck to it, then scrape the pan or pot as needed. That's it!
Remember not to store food in your cast iron cookware because it may attach a metallic flavor to the food. In addition, store your pans with the lids off to prevent moisture from accumulating and rusting from occurring.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Garden Co Op at 46 Days
And we have Japanese Beetles! We don't want these guys to tear up all our plants so Sara sprayed some Organic Pesticide on the Pole Beans and the Apple and Pear trees
If you want to see more pics of our Garden, Please visit: