Sunday, October 12, 2008

Free Fun

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last few weeks, you’ve heard about this whole “economic crisis” thing.

There are many ways to entertain yourself and your family while saving money in the process. Here are some of my ideas:

-Find your library card and rent free DVDs and Books.

-Check out the matinee (before noon) shows that are always cheaper than evening time slots.
Better yet, Have a Movie night at home!

-For free or cheap entertainment (shows, musicals, art exhibits, movies, etc.) visit local college campuses where entertainment options are often open to the public, but offered at student prices.

-Let Mother Nature be your entertainment guide. Visit your local Parks. Go hiking, picnicking, bird watching, fishing, kayaking or camping … for free!

How do you entertain yourself on a budget?

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