Sunday, November 23, 2008

Update on Grandma

I went to visit Grandma yesterday. She is doing well in the Rehab Center. She had gone to the Dining Room for Breakfast and was getting ready to go to PT when I got there. She walked with a walker to the PT room. Did a few minutes on the Stationary Bike and then walked back to her room.She was excited to start PT yesterday.

We rested for a little bit then it was time to go to lunch in the Dining Room. ( the staff encourages them to go to the Dining Room unless they are sick in bed. It makes them interact with other people....which I think is good for Grandma) She has made a couple friends and they are telling her all the things to do and see at the Facility. After lunch, We went to the Starbucks Coffee Shop they have on premises and got her a cup of coffee. She was amazed that they had such a thing and that the coffee was FREE!

There is a Dog that lives at the Facility. She was looking forward to meeting him yesterday. She misses Scottie and we are trying to figure out a day that Scottie can come visit her.

I guess she did have words with her nurse in the morning but was a case of Grandma being Grandma. I talked to her about being cooperative and communicating with the staff a little better. God bless her!

Overall, I think she likes it. She was also talking about maybe having to have some help when she gets home. So I think she is opening up to having some Home Health Care people come in.

1 comment:

Renna said...

It is such a challenging thing for an elderly person to accept that they can no longer do what they could when they were younger, or in better health. Giving up their independence is a monumental step for them.

I wish it were easier, for growing older is something we'll all face someday.