Sunday, May 22, 2011

Coupons Tips

The best deals on your weekly ads are posted on the front and backpage of the ad.

These are what are usually referred to as ‘loss leaders’. These are the rock bottom offers that bring shoppers to the store. This is the first place you should look for bargains when scanning your weekly ad. If there are any coupons available for these items, that is where you get the big savings. Your goal is to focus on buying groceries only when they are at this rock bottom price. Luckily for you, these ‘loss leader’ sales come around in a ‘sales cycle’ that is generally every 6 to 8 weeks.

When you find this opportunity to save big  by combining a great sale with a coupon, you want to maximize those savings by buying enough items (at this rock bottom price) to last you until the next time the item goes on sale.

A great Stockpile is the pride of every Couponer!


anisha said...

Hmm I think it's pretty good.Can you give more technique for us? coupons

Kristin said...

Your stockpile looks great. I'm also a fellow stockpiler. I get very exited when I find great deals that can be combined with coupons.

Nancy said...

Love your organization. Wish my "pantry" looked like this. :)

ohiofarmgirl said...

Wow, I am now thinking about starting a stockpile after seeing what you have done. What a great idea...I am inspired. get started. Dianntha